Major Arcana at Number 13 is DEATH.
Characteristics : Change, New Beginnings, Transformation, One door closes and another one opens.
Zodiac Ruling Planet : Scorpio
Straight Reading Position : It signifies the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one. You are about to experience a period of change and you must now try to leave the past behind. You are now called to face the future with renewed hope and confidence in the knowledge that the change that you will experience will be for the best. It is the end of one phase, situation, job, place and beginning of or stepping into another one.It also means that you wish to change a situation but are scared or fearful of its consequences.
Reverse Reading Position : You are lapsing into temporary stagnation or inertia. You are depressed and are in need of new ideas and motivation. Here it implies that changing circumstances are blocking your personal vision and you are confused about the next stage in your life.
For detailed and accurated Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108 / 022 26798631
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