The Tarot has a rich sources of astrological correspondences and when combined they provide a deeper understanding of yourself and the reading in question. Knowledge of these correspondences my give added emphasis and information to any reading By reading these sun signs and planet correspondences you can gain further insight into your current issue. Develop these ideas further by looking at more detailed information about the qualities of the planets and sun signs in astrological literature.
Sun Signs and their associated Major Arcana Cards Planets and their Major Arcana Cards
Aries The Emperor Sun The Sun
Taurus The Hierophant Moon The High Priestess
Gemini The Lovers Mercury The Magician
Cancer The Chariot Venus The Empress
Leo Strength Mars The Tower
Virgo The Hermit Jupiter Wheel of Fortune
Libra Justice Saturn The World
Scorpio Death Uranus The Fool
Sagittarius Temperance Neptune The Hanged Man
Capricorn The Devil Pluto Judgement
Acquarius The Star
Pisces The Moon
Sun Signs and their associated Major Arcana Cards Planets and their Major Arcana Cards
Aries The Emperor Sun The Sun
Taurus The Hierophant Moon The High Priestess
Gemini The Lovers Mercury The Magician
Cancer The Chariot Venus The Empress
Leo Strength Mars The Tower
Virgo The Hermit Jupiter Wheel of Fortune
Libra Justice Saturn The World
Scorpio Death Uranus The Fool
Sagittarius Temperance Neptune The Hanged Man
Capricorn The Devil Pluto Judgement
Acquarius The Star
Pisces The Moon
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