Monday, 25 November 2013


At number 16 we have THE TOWER


Characteristics :  External disruption, unexpected events, revelation, suddenly seeing the truth of the matter, dramatic upheavel, major crises coming into your life.

Zodiac Ruling Planet : Mars

Straight Position Reading :  This card is known as the CARD OF CRISES which can hit you unexpectedly either in relationship, health, career or finances. Big problems to come. You find yourself in a situation of conflict and change that could have catastrophic consequences.Everything that you have taken for granted is about to be challenged.

Reverse Position Reading : You are able to deal with the crises or the crises is about to end. The process of changed has already begun.Go with the flow and do not resist what will happen as a consequence.Release negative feelings and things will improve for you.

For detailed and accurate tarot card reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108/02226798631






Characteristics:  Bondage, Materialism, temptation,living a lie, self-imposed bondage, negative thinking, manipulation by others.

Zodiac Planet :  Capricorn

Straight position Reading : It signifies addictive behaviour. It is a negative card.The person feels oppressed, trapped. There is no way out. You feel manipulated by someone else. You feel trapped in a situation and unable to get out. You are restricted by your fears and do no trust your inner spiritual guidance. You might also be subject to various unethical behaviour. You have become a victim of your vanity and pride.

Reverse Position Reading :  You have removed the obstacles that have impeded your path. You can see through the shallow nature of material pride and vanity. You have overcome your emotional short comings and have found your inner truth.

For detailed and accurate Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza  Cama on +91 9820113108 / 022 26798631 


The Major Arcana card which follows DEATH  is TEMPERANCE. Its  number is 14.



Characteristics :Self control, compromise, harmony and understanding, moderaiton, healing, blessings

Zodiac Ruling Planet : Sagittarius

Straight Position Reading : This card is known as the card of Balance.It represents emotional, mental and spiritual balance, coordination, live and work in harmony with others.If you draw this card it shows that you embody these qualities. There is personal intergrity. Your personal and business affairs are in balance and harmony. You are secure and happy with your life.

Reversed Position Reading : There are minor imbalances in your life but they can be sorted out. You feel emotionally unstable. Your judgement is failing you. Pause and reevaluate the key aspects of your life before proceeding to something new.

For detailed and accurate tarot card reading contact Phirroza Cama o +91 9820113108/ 022 26798631

Monday, 18 November 2013


Major Arcana at Number 13  is   DEATH.



Characteristics :  Change, New Beginnings, Transformation, One door closes and another one opens.

Zodiac Ruling Planet :  Scorpio

Straight Reading Position : It signifies the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one. You are about to experience a period of change and you must now try to leave the past behind. You are now called to face the future with renewed hope and confidence in the knowledge that the change that you will experience will be for the best. It is the end of one phase, situation, job, place and beginning of or stepping into another one.It also means that you wish to change a situation but are scared or fearful of its consequences.

Reverse Reading Position :  You are lapsing into temporary stagnation or inertia. You are depressed and are in need of new ideas and motivation. Here it implies that changing circumstances are blocking your personal vision and you are confused about the next stage in your life.

For detailed and accurated Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108 / 022 26798631


The next important card in the Major Arcana pack and at Number 12 is THE HANGED MAN



Characteristics :  Transition, Readjustment, seeing life from a different angle, changing priorities, anticipation of progress, bored with life, taking a step back to move forward

Zodiac Planet :  Neptune

Straight Position Reading  : This is the card of the inventor - a brilliant man who is innovative and creative.  A card of unexpected change.  You have embarked upon a journey of spiritual growth, You will be abandoning your more materialistic and wordly concerns in favour of a path towards spiritual enlightenment. The card also means that you will be open to new ideas. This is not a favourable card as regards to Relationship because such persons are happy being alone and do not work well with others.

Reverse Position Reading :  You are more occupied with wordly matters. You have closed your heart to spiritual guidance. You are vulnerable to the influence of others who may deceive you. Be cautious and avoid hasty decisions. You should question the beliefs that you currently hold.

For accurate Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108 /  022 26798631

Wednesday, 13 November 2013


It is very easy to perform candle magic with Tarot Cards.  Just choose the card from the Major Arcana pack  that most closely corresponds with the spell you want to perform.  Concentrate on the card for a few minutes, repeat its name three times and the spell is then cast. Isn't is easy?

An important point to remember is that do not use the Tarot cards that you use for reading for Candle magic. Always USE A SEPARATE PACK OF TAROT CARDS FOR TAROT READING ONLY.


The Fool                                       White                                  For new beginnings, children, creativity

The Magician                                 Yellow                               For communication, protection against

The High Priestess                          Lavender                           For secrets, women, spirituality

The Empress                                  Pink                                  For marriage, fertility, royalty, trust

The Emperor                                  Dark Blue                         For success, empowerment, career issues

The Hierophant                              Purple                               For wisdom, finding lost objects

The Lovers                                    Green                                For love spells, sex, romance

The Chariot                                    Bright Red                        For travel, moving home, self-confidence

Strength                                         Dark Red                          For patience, overcoming limitations

The Hermit                                    Silver                                 Personal Integrity

The Wheel of Fortune                   Orange                               For money matters, good fortune

Justice                                           Grey                                  For decision making, negotiations

The Hanged Man                          Dark Green                        For self acceptance, giving up addictions

Death                                            Dark Brown                      For dumping emotional baggage,fresh starts

Temperance                                  Lilac                                  For calm feelings, new perspective

The Devil                                      Ochre                                For overcoming fear and self doubt

The Tower                                    Vanilla                               For property, protection, sexuality

The Star                                        Pale Yellow                       For fame, recognition

The Moon                                     Jasmine                             For beauty, peace, attraction

The Sun                                        Gold                                  For happiness, energy, creativity

Judgement                                     Indigo                               For forgiveness, breaking free

The World                                    Multi-coloured                  For self confidence, new ideas and travel


The Tarot has a rich sources of astrological correspondences and when combined they provide a deeper understanding of yourself and the reading in question. Knowledge of these correspondences my give added emphasis and information to any reading By reading these sun signs and planet correspondences you can gain further insight into your current issue. Develop these ideas further by looking at more detailed information about the qualities of the planets and sun signs in astrological literature.

Sun Signs and their associated Major Arcana Cards        Planets and their  Major Arcana Cards

          SIGN                          CARD                                       PLANET                 CARD

          Aries                            The Emperor                              Sun                         The Sun

          Taurus                          The Hierophant                          Moon                     The High Priestess

          Gemini                          The Lovers                                Mercury                  The Magician

          Cancer                          The Chariot                               Venus                     The Empress

          Leo                               Strength                                     Mars                      The Tower

          Virgo                            The Hermit                                 Jupiter                    Wheel of Fortune

          Libra                             Justice                                       Saturn                      The World

          Scorpio                         Death                                        Uranus                      The Fool

          Sagittarius                      Temperance                              Neptune                   The Hanged Man

          Capricorn                      The Devil                                   Pluto                        Judgement

          Acquarius                      The Star

          Pisces                            The Moon

JUSTICE  is the tarot card after THE WHEEL OF  FORTUNE.  Its number is 11.


Characteristics :  Fairness, harmony, equality, cause and effect, objective thinking, restoring balance, making your own decisions, taking responsibility for your actions, sexual equality, looking at both sides of the argument.

Zodiac Ruling Planet : Libra

Straight Position reading :  In your business life and domestic life justice will prevail . There will be a new cycle of equilibrium and harmony at work and at home. You will receive what is due to you. In your personal relationships you will have to assess whether you are being fare to your partner or not. Justice asks us to look logically and objectively at ourselves and to find the whole truth even if it means recognising our mistakes. It also means that we must not be judgemental about situations and people. 

Reverse Position Reading :  You are suffering injustice or loss. You are embroiled in legal matters and being betrayed by prejudice. 

For accurate tarot card reading contract Phirroza Cama on  +91 9820113109 /  022 26798631 (Mumbai, India).


Sunday, 10 November 2013


THE  WHEEL  OF  FORTUNE  is the 10th Card from  the Major Arcana



Characteristics :  Turning point, you are getting lucky, each moment is a new beginning, opportunity knocks on the door, taking advantage of chance, destiny

Zodiac Ruling Planet :  Jupiter

Straight Position Reading :  You are assured of success.  The law of destiny favours you at this time and your relationships at home and in business will prosper. Change is inevitable. The other cards provide an indication of success you can expect.  The Wheel of Fortune signifies that you are ready to start afresh, turn over a new leaf or start a great adventure.

Reverse Position Reading :  You are not accepting the changes and going with the flow. You are struggling against it and you feel that you have no control over your feelings, experiences, love life or vocation. Do not feel that the world is against you.

For accurate Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108 /  022 26798631


THE HERMIT  is the 9th Card from the Major Arcana of the Tarot Cards.



Characteristics :  Withdrawal, discrimination, showing guidance, teaching, showing you the correct way, withdrawal from relationship, teacher, guru, guide.

Zodiac Planet Ruler :  Virgo

Straight Position Reading :  You will soon meet someone who will be your spiritual guru or guide and who will show you new possibilities for growth and heightened awareness. It also shows a willingness on your part to accept help when it is offered. Use your powers of discrimination and discernment in moving forward and trust your own inner guidance. Good card for work and career. This card is not a good card in relation to relationships, emotions. Lover is detached.

Reverse Position Reading :  You are too detached and resist the help being offered to you. Your pride and ego come in the way. You create obstacles along the way. You seem unwilling to avail yourself of new experiences. You are not facing up to the truth of the matter.

For accurate Tarot Card Reading contact  Phirroza  Cama on +91 9820113108/ 022 26798631


Thursday, 7 November 2013

The tarot card from the Major Arcana at  Number 8 is STRENGTH.




Characteristics  :  Strength, courage, compassion, self awareness

Ruling Zodiac Sign :  Leo

Straight Reading Position :  Strength refers to gentle strength with love. Strength refers to mental and emotinal strength.
You can handle a lot of stress. Can handle two projects at the same time. You have overcome your fears of the past and are mustering your energies for a new phase in your life.

Reverse Reading Position :  You are not utilising your inner strength. You are only after material matters and you lack love and intuition in your dealings with others. Your personal and emotional affairs are in a state of conflict. You have lost sight of the spiritual side of life.

For accurate tarot card reading contact Phirroza Cama on  +91 9820113108 / 022 26798631


An extremely important Major Arcana at Number 7 is THE CHARIOT



Characteristics :  Perseverance, determination to win at all costs, being in the driving seat, control over feelings and thoughts, focussed

Ruling Zodiac Sign :  Cancer

Straight Position Reading :  It signifies success and victory achieved through hard work. The charioteer embodies self-discipline and clear thinking. You will have the self assurance and spirit to get what you want and you are totally focussed to reach your goal. You will achieve success in any enterprise and overcome all obstacles in your way. You can master your emotions, concentrate your energy and get your way so trust in your integrity

Reverse Position Reading :  You are using your talents and energies in the wrong way. Your life lacks balance and self control. You are acting unethically or irresponsibly. You will suffer ill-health. It is a warning card about health problems coming into your life.

For accurate Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on + 91 9820113108 /  022 26798631