Wednesday, 19 February 2014




Old memories, childhood, children, nostalgia ad generally happy times form the heart of this card. Skills and abilities that have not been used for some time are likely to be resurrected. 
Are you passing up current and future chances for success because you like to dwell on past glory? Once you believe that your best years are behind you, that will become your reality.

IN A READING :  Remember the wishes and dreams of your childhood.  Use those memories in your creative work. Someone or something from your past comes to your aid and provides inspiration and new energy.  
Children and children's issues are also highlighted. This can refer to your children, a teacher, a mentor or a happy family event.

WORK :  Creative occupations are enriched by the happy fantasies of childhood. or the past in general.  You may receive royalties or win an award for past efforts.  Someone you worked with in the past resurfaces in your life and offers you new opportunities.

ROMANCE : An old lover suddenly shows up on your doorstep and the chemistry is rekindled. A chance encounter with a childhood friend brings extremely favourable news or fulfills a romantic fantasy.

FINANCE:  Your old toys and other childhood treasures bring money on the nostalgia market.  Invest in companies that cater to children and to childhood fantasy such as theme parks, movie studios, travel agencies, antique shops and art galleries.

HEALTH :  Make sure that your new doctor gets a copy of your medical records. Physical or emotional problems surfacing now probably have roots in your past.  You benefit from past-life therapy as a means of tapping into unsonscious memories. 

IN A REVERSE READING :  The bad memories of childhood are haunting you even today.

For an accurate and detailed Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108 /  022 26798631

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