Think balance, adaptability and equilibrium. You juggle a number of different projects and sources of income. This may entail working two jobs or handling a job while you attend college. However you do not feel burdened because of this.
IN A READING : You strike a balance but you do it with the cheer and enthusiasm of a juggler. You may be balancing a variety of projects or harmonising inner spirtual development with outer material growth. But do not overdo it. Avoid spreading yourself too thin. If necessary narrow your choices to maintain a balanced disposition.
WORK : Travel relates to your job and profession. There might be some delays in it but you will eventually get to where you want to be. As a confirmed multitasker you are flexible and capable of balancing a number of complex projects and ideas at one time. Now is the time to take calculated risk.
ROMANCE : You and your partner might be trying to squeeze time for each other from your hectic schedules. A major change ushers in a new era for the relationship.
FINANCE : You balance the books through skillful manipulation. Eventhough money goes out as fast as it comes in you are satisfied because the bills are paid. Your small business get a break from an interested investor.
HEALTH : Expect a round of medical tests, Ultimately the news is good as you find that most of your stiffness, aches and pains are stress related. Yoga and aerobic exercise help to blow off tension and maintain an upbeat mental outook.
IN A REVERSE READING : You are not able to do many things at the same time. By doing so you are making a mess of things. Do one thing at a time or one project at a time.
For detailed Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108 / 022 26798631 (Mumbai, India)
Think balance, adaptability and equilibrium. You juggle a number of different projects and sources of income. This may entail working two jobs or handling a job while you attend college. However you do not feel burdened because of this.
IN A READING : You strike a balance but you do it with the cheer and enthusiasm of a juggler. You may be balancing a variety of projects or harmonising inner spirtual development with outer material growth. But do not overdo it. Avoid spreading yourself too thin. If necessary narrow your choices to maintain a balanced disposition.
WORK : Travel relates to your job and profession. There might be some delays in it but you will eventually get to where you want to be. As a confirmed multitasker you are flexible and capable of balancing a number of complex projects and ideas at one time. Now is the time to take calculated risk.
ROMANCE : You and your partner might be trying to squeeze time for each other from your hectic schedules. A major change ushers in a new era for the relationship.
FINANCE : You balance the books through skillful manipulation. Eventhough money goes out as fast as it comes in you are satisfied because the bills are paid. Your small business get a break from an interested investor.
HEALTH : Expect a round of medical tests, Ultimately the news is good as you find that most of your stiffness, aches and pains are stress related. Yoga and aerobic exercise help to blow off tension and maintain an upbeat mental outook.
IN A REVERSE READING : You are not able to do many things at the same time. By doing so you are making a mess of things. Do one thing at a time or one project at a time.
For detailed Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108 / 022 26798631 (Mumbai, India)
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