Thursday, 30 January 2014



This spell can help you increase your self-confidence and sense of well-being.  If possible perform it outside in the sunshine.  Remove THE SUN  card from a Tarot Deck and position it so that it sits upright facing you. Carve the symbol of the sun into an orange or yellow candle then place the candle beside the SUN card. Light the candle and as it burns, focus your attention on the tarot card.  Imagine the sun shining down on you (even if you are indoors), filling you with its radiance and life giving energy.  Sense your personal power increasing.  After ten minutes snuff out the candle. Repeat this spell as necessary, until your confidence is strengthened and you feel capable of handling the tasks before you.

For detailed Tarot card reading contact Phirroza Cama on +919820113108/ 022 26798631 (Mumbai, India).



Begin this spell on the first Friday after the new moon and repeat it each day until the full moon.  Choose the
Lovers card, the ace of cups and the two of cups from a tarot deck.  Position the card so that you can see it.  Light either rose, jasmine, patchouli or musk-scented incense.  Stare at the tarot card for ten minutes while the incense burns and repeat an affirmation such as : " I am now united with  a partner that is right for me and we are very happy together"

Wednesday, 29 January 2014



Perform this spell on the first friday night after the new moon.  Choose the Lovers,  the ace of cups or the  two of cups from the Tarot Deck.  Lay the card face up on a windowsill where  it will receive the moon's light. Wash a small piece of  rose quartz and place it on your magical chalice or glass.  Fill the chalice with water and set it on top of the tarot card overnight to absorb the card's vibrations.  In the morning, remove the rose quartz from the glass and drink the water.

Note : Please do not use the same cards for magic spells that you use for your tarot card reading.  Keep a separate pack.

For accurate Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on  +91 9820113108 or 
022 26798631 (Mumbai, India).




This card stands for inherited wealth. Generation of good times with family, security with property and social status.The focus is on financial prosperity and firm foundations for home and family life.  A better change of your social status and buying and selling of property. You enter a prosperous time of your life. There may be travel connected to work and business.  On another level this card reminds us of the magic that lies just beneath the surface of everyday life.

IN A READING :  You have entered a carefree phase of your life which is infused with abundance and stability. The happiness and contentment that you feel is extended beyond material prosperity. Your health is good and your family life is stable. Consolidate your gains and expand your holdings.

WORK :  You have achieved job security and a very important place in your organisation. Your success is well-deserved. Do not be afraid to take risks to build on what you have achieved. Now is the time to pursue your dreams to start your own business.

ROMANCE :  There is a rich emotional bond between you and your partner. You are one mind and one soul. If you are single you meet someone through work-related events. Do not go looking - the relationship will find you. 

FINANCE : You inherit a substantial amount of money, receive a windfall from stocks or other investments or make a killing on real-estate.  Now is the time to build on what you have gained .

HEALTH  :  Your physical and emotional health take a definite turn for the better. Minor problems are solved change in your diet.

IN A REVERSE READING :  Legal problems related to inheritance and property.

For detailed Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108 /  022 26798631 (Mumbai, India).
Email :




You achieve material comfort, financial security and a sense of inner peace. You relish the personal environment you have created and your comfortable lifestyle. 

IN A READING :  This card signifies aristocracy. Implies wealth and social status. But do not me aloof due to your wealth and status.Financial protection and security allow you to use your resources to create a harmonious home and office environment. Self reliance is the key to your prosperity.  You are thrilled when recognised or praised for your accomplishments.

WORK :  An employment opportunity drops in your lap, an unexpected partnership is formed or the promotion of a product or project you have launched exceeds your wildest expectations.  You are in a comfortable position where by you can choose what you will interest you.  

ROMANCE :  Your relationship with your partner is very smooth sailing, ease going and comfortable. Absence deepens your bond. If you are single you will probably meet someone at the office or through business. Things will click between you immediately.

FINANCE :  Pursue real-estate investments or improvements to properties you own. Decorating and landscaping increase the value of your current home. In money matters trust yourself and follow your instincts. Everything that you touch now turns to gold.

HEALTH :  There is vast improve, particularly if you have recently undergone surgery. Seek answers to your  minor health  problems in self-health problems. Time alone, surrounded by your gardens and pets your books and dreams, work wonders.

IN A REVERSE READING :  You are bored of aristocracy and the social status.

For detailed Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108 / 022 26798631 (Mumbai, India)
Email :

Tuesday, 28 January 2014




The focus here is learning  a new skill, workshops or lectures you attend to hone your skills or the actual enrollment in a full-time programe where you work towards a degree.  You may even turn a hobby or interest into a new career.  You are an apprentice now and have to learn a lot.

IN A READING :  You tackle a long term task with excellent future prospects. You may be still an apprentice or an intern and you have been hired for a job that requires more advanced knowledge and expertise. Your employer may send you for specialised training program or you might be doing on the job training. 

WORK :  A raise or a new project and new responsibities that test your skills. You could be asked to take an assignment in an unfamiliar area. You need to put in your best to get appreciated for  your work for that you will have to keep up with the times by being up-to-date and hone your skills. Your interest, enthusiasm and willingness to learn make up for your lack of confidence.

ROMANCE :  Pay attention to the small considerations which enhance a relationship. In an ongoing relationship, new experiences open up that deepen your bond with your partner. If you are single you will meet someone on the job or on campus. But if your are totally engrossed in your work, in learning something new you might even ignore your partner and therefore it is not a good card for relationship. 

FINANCE :  You get financial assistance for further studies. Backing for a new project or business is approved. This is not a good time to investment in anything.

HEALTH :  All the alterations in your life cause you to feel somewhat uncomfortable or slightly off balance. Your energy is slightly low. Get more rest and more vitamins and pay more attention to your diet.  You may have trouble with your teeth, gums and digestive tract.  It is due to the imbalance that you are experiencing. It is beneficial for you to try natural remedies.

IN A REVERSE READING :  You are a lazy person and lack the initiative to do hard work. Your are using your skills for unethical ends. You are lossing direction and you need clear guidance.

For an accurate Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +919820113108 /  022 26798631 (Mumbai, India).



1.  Choose these five cards from a tarot deck - the ace of pentacles, the three of pentacles, the nine of pentacles, the ten of pentacles and the Wheel of Fortune.  Pentacles represent money and material considerations.

2. The ace signifies new beginnings and opportunity, the three symbolizes applying your talents for financial gains,  the nine stands for rewards you will receive for your efforts, the ten represents fulfillment and success and the Wheel of Fortune indicates being in the right place at the right time.

3.  Lay out the cards on the floor in a star formation.  Then stand in the middle of the star. Close your eyes and feel the prosperity symbolised by the five cards flowing towards you,

For accurate Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108 /  022 26798631 (Mumbai, India)

Sunday, 26 January 2014



This card is also called the Harvest Card. You will be paid only to the extent of the hard work that you put in. You still need to do a lot of hard work for a satisfactory income.

IN A READING : You have what it takes.  Your hard work will pay off but it is totally up to you how much income you wish to make as only your input will decide your output You reevaluate your goals, relationships, lifestyle and dreams.

WORK :  You may be slogging it out a lot and you feel that you are not really getting the results and the credit for the work that you do.

ROMANCE :  You review and reevaluate your close personal relationships. The process itself is as important as the conclusions you reach. If single, you examine the current situation and take steps to make major lifestyle changes.

FINANCE :  Even if the momentum of what you are trying to achieve falters or briefly wanes, keep moving. You might have to take a risk.  Innovative changes in your investment portfolio will be rewarded. Patience pays off.

HEALTH :  You may have to deal with ailments you had before. Through positive beliefs you will be  better equipped to cope with it and will then achieve a period of physical and mental well-being.

IN A REVERSE READING :  Hard work put in will be paid less than expected. Impatience, anxiety, depression sets in. Investments prove to be unprofitable.

For detailed Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108 /  02226798631 (Mumbai, India)

Saturday, 25 January 2014




Assistance is available but only if you truly deserve it.  One way or another life conspires to provide you with what you need. You will get the push in the right direction. The support you receive is not strictly financial, your ideas and efforts meet with comprehension and approval. Open yourself to the magical forces that allow you to generously give or receive aid when necessary.

IN A READING :  You have rounded a critical bend and are headed for something better.  Worthwhile ideas and projects are rewarded with a bonus or a raise. Help is at hand in the form of a loan, a social security check, financial aid for school, a scholarship, gift, inheritance or even a business proposition.

WORK :  The project you recently launched is successful.  Your bank loan is approved. A wealthy backer steps in to help with start-up expenses. Suddenly the seemingly impossible becomes possible. A promotion or a bonus is possible at work.

ROMANCE :  You and your partner support each other. You both give and receive according your capabilities. Tokens of affection are exchanged. If you are single, you meet someone special through a special support group and she or he may be working in the health field.

FINANCE :  Your request for any kind of benefits or help comes through. A debt is repaid. your small business loan or mortgage is approved. Overall your finances improve through the intervention of a third party.

HEALTH :  A healing occurs. Someone gives you what you need in the form of touch therapy or the laying on of hands. Your medical bills are paid through insurance or the generosity of others. You round a critical bend.

IN A REVERSE READING :  You are borrowing or receiving something for a good cause like an educational loan,  house loan. Or it also signifies that you will get money as a bribe.

For accurate Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza  Cama on +91 9820113108 /  022 26798631 (Mumbai, India).





You want a strong financial base and you are willing to compromise your higher aspirations to attain it. You tend to be possessive, holding on to what is yours Your accomplishments do not bring you the satisfaction that you crave. Open your self to new ideas and the opinion of others.

IN A READING :  You are clinging to what is familiar - a job, material possessions, a relationship or a certain safe environment. You know that your fixed ideas of security and safety are holding you back from fulfillment, but right now you are too scared to change. You hate extravagance and waste and know how to make every penny count. You believe that a certain amount of selfishness concerning your time or financial resources is needed to build a solid financial foundation.

WORK :  You take a job that you do not like because it is a safe one. After a while you forget to try other possibilities and paths that are open to you. The bills are paid and your discontent seems preferable to the uncertainty of an unfamiliar or risky opportunity. But this phase is transitory.

ROMANCE :  Chances are that you are holding on to a relationship that no longer works. Or you are repeating old patterns in a new relationship. No matter how miserable you are, your deep-rooted fear of being abandoned causes you to cling to a dead relationship.

FINANCE :  This card points to a miserly disposition. Even when you are financially stable and secure, you are extremely possessive and protective of your wealth and possessions. You need to loosen up a bit.

HEALTH :  The state of your health is bound up with your attitudes and beliefs about money and financial security.What symptoms are you clinging to? What emotions need to be released? You need psychological counseling more than medical treatment. You need to learn how and when to let go. Once you do, your symptoms will slowly vanish.

IN A REVERSE READING :  Things are slipping out of your hand and you end up loosing more money from the hand.  It also means that you are Penny Wise and Pound Foolish

For detailed Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108 /  022 26798631 (Mumbai, India).



The news is not good.  You have reached an unlucky situation that produced financial crises, temporary hardships and insecurity. Unemployment or heavy debts pull you down.  A costly illness may be involved. Your world feels shaky right now. You feel the whole world is going to collapse around you.  This is a situation where others cannot help you but where you have to help yourself 

IN A READING :  You are accustomed yourself to the belief that you are will always suffering.  Emotionally you feel that you are abandoned and ignored by those around you. You are desperate to survive. Inertia threatens you.

WORK :  You are unemployed, underemployed or about to lose your job. Filled with feelings of apprehension and self doubt, you do not know where to turn. Disagreements and differences add to the stress and tension at the work place. Step back and try to view the situation dispassionately.

ROMANCE :  There is a lack in your relationship.  Your partner has different view than you. But if your manage to stick together through the hard times, you might discover a depth of love for each other that you did not know existed.

FINANCE :  Brace yourself for tough times. You are in for business and financial setbacks. Do not rush to file for bankruptcy. Review your remaining assets with an eye towards the future. Reconsider options that you had previously rejected.

HEALTH :  A physical problem needs attention. Financial and emotional  issues play havoc with your life and cause worry, strain and anxiety. Once you tone down the stress level and learn to deal with your problems, your health rebounds.

IN A REVERSE READING :  It means financial and emotional poverty but you can see your way out. You may be offered a new job. A new kind of spiritual aswkening enriches your life

For detailed Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108 /  022 26798631 (Mumbai, India).
Email :

Wednesday, 22 January 2014




This card signifies excellence at work.  You have considerable creative ability. Your work is being recognised and your efforts are producing great material success.
Also speaks of work and excellence in the field of architecture,construction and real estate.

IN A READING :  You are entering into new realms of experience in your career. Whrn you are called upon to present evidence of your craftsmanship, skill and knowledge, you respond brilliantly and are recognised publicly.

WORK :  Professional recognition puts you in line for a well earned promotion. 

ROMANCE :  Personal relaionships mature. You and your partner resolve past problems and differences  and achieve a new level of intimacy and loyalty. You may purchase a new home together or renovate the current home.

FINANCE:  If you made a loan way back when its repaid with interest. A cheque arrives in the post. You are spending money on renovations, maybe new furniture, apholstery. You give attention to detail and you keep adding new ideas in an attempt to improve the quality of the work. 

HEALTH :  Your medical reports show positive results and you have chosen the best doctors in the field. Any treatment you need will be state of the art.

IN A REVERSE READING : Though you are excellent at your work, you are not getting the recognition for it.

For detailed Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108 / 022 26798631 (Mumbai, India).



Think balance, adaptability and equilibrium. You juggle a number of different projects and sources of income. This may entail working two jobs or handling a job while you attend college. However you do not feel burdened because of this.

IN A READING :  You strike a balance but you do it with the cheer and enthusiasm of a juggler.  You may be balancing a variety of projects or harmonising  inner spirtual development  with outer material growth. But do not overdo it.  Avoid spreading yourself too thin.  If necessary narrow your choices to maintain a balanced disposition.

WORK :  Travel relates to your job and profession. There might be some delays in it but you will eventually  get to where you want to be. As a confirmed multitasker you  are flexible and capable of balancing a number of complex projects and ideas at one time. Now is the time to take calculated risk.

ROMANCE :  You and your partner might be trying to squeeze time for each other from your hectic schedules. A major change ushers in a new era for the relationship.

FINANCE : You balance the books through skillful manipulation. Eventhough money goes out as fast as it comes in you are satisfied because the bills are paid. Your small business get a break from an interested investor.

HEALTH :  Expect a round of medical tests, Ultimately the news is good as you find that most of your stiffness, aches and pains are stress related. Yoga and aerobic exercise help to blow off tension and maintain an upbeat mental outook.

IN A REVERSE READING :  You are not able to do many things at the same time. By doing so you are making a mess of things. Do one thing at a time or one project at a time.

For detailed Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on  +91 9820113108 / 022 26798631 (Mumbai, India)

Tuesday, 21 January 2014


The PENTACLES signify material possessions, money, prosperity, manifestation and health

Lets start from the very first pentacle card



The Ace of Pentacles  is about positive rewards for hard work.  It stands for fresh starts in all areas having to do  with business and finance. It stands for wordly status, achievements, material gain, prosperity and success.

The suit of Pentacles is associated to the Earth which is the element of the earth. The earth is the element of the body, physical health, proper diet and nutrition.

IN A READING :  You begin a venture that will bring positive financial changes down the road. The timing is right so do not be fearful of starting a plan that appears risky. The money that you invest now will come back to you with interest.

WORK :  You finally solve a long-sought solution to a troubling professional problem. A raise, a promotion or a new job or a career change is in store for you. (But check the surrounding cards before you make any major decisions). You are in the right place at the right time.

ROMANCE :  A romantic partnership benefits you in emotional and material ways. You meet someone new or discover new ways to improve your relationship. Your partner and you might start a business together but it will be you who will be calling the shots.

FINANCE :  New business and financial opportunities charge into your life.  Your investments begin to pay off. If you need to sell anything, you will not need to wait long to get a buyer and you will get what you want. 
You accrue whatever you value ie money, prestige, personal satisfaction, long term security.

HEALTH :  You are on the road to recovery.To speed up your recovery you will try other forms of alternate therapies. Go to a spa or a vacation at a naturopathy resort.  Stick to a proper physical exercise program.

IN A REVERSE READING:  Delayed beginning but whenever it starts, money will start coming in.

For a detailed Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108/ 022 26798631 (Mumbai, India)

Saturday, 18 January 2014




This card stands for back-stabbing, cheating, loss, suffering, pain, insecurities in friendship,disappointments.

IN A READING :  This card stands for endings, treachery, misfortunes,It usually spells the end of a relationship, friendship, situation or a particular time in your life.  You may feel that you have been stabbled in the back by someone you trusted. The loss is unexpected and ends something that you have been counting on 

WORK :  You are forced to quit your job or are demoted or dismissed.  You may be pushed out through betrayal or disloyalty of someone you trusted. You have outgrown your current position and the time has come for you to move on.

ROMANCE :  Someone you love has hurt you very badly and you are having trouble putting it behind you.  You have made a mistake, taken a chance on love and lost. There is no choice but to abandon the relationship and start over. It will make things easier for you to get on with your life.

FINANCE:  Bad advice brings a reversal of fortunes. Things move in a totally different direction than you anticipated. Cut your losses and come to terms with your reduced situation.

HEALTH :  You are displeased with the quality of your medical treatment. The new procedure or drug that you were counting on has not made you feel any better. It is time to either change your doctor or try an alternate therapy. 

IN A REVERSE READING :  You can deal with the people who are back-stabbing you and you are on your own trying to slowly change your situation for the better.

For accurate Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108 /  022 26798631 (Mumbai, India).
Email : 

Thursday, 16 January 2014




This is known as the NIGHTMARE Card.  It stands for bad dreams, difficult situations. stress, tension, utter desolation and suffering. You are taking on the burdens of others. You need to accept situations and work out solutions. Worry and anxiety are the literal meaning of this nine. You experience sleepless nights and stress-induced nightmares. Mental anguish and depression are often brought about by a parent's anguish about his family. 

IN A READING :  You are suffering from intense anxiety. Although your sense of impending disaster and doom may be made up by you, your pain is very real. Difficulty sleeping have left you vulnerable to feelings of hopelessness.

WORK :  Problems in work have led to anxious nights and stressed-filled days. The only way out of your professional difficulties is through direct confrontation with your problems, real  and imagined.

ROMANCE :  You suspect your partner is cheating on you or lossing interest in you.  Stop tormenting your self with imaginary thoughts and suspicious. It is better to clear the air and your doubts by discussing things with your partner openly.  It is better to know the truth however bitter they may be than to just keep on thinking and thinking about things and mentally creating a situation which is worse than what it  actually  is.

FINANCE :  Confusion surrounding financial issues fuels your sense of panic. You are allowing negative emotions to cloud your judgement. Do not paralyse your mind and emotions by self-doubt.

HEALTH :  It is important to find solutions to our problems so that the tension produced by your anxiety will not take a toll on your mental and physical health. Do not seek relief in negative things that will harm you even more like drugs, alcohol.  That will only make the situation worse. 

IN A REVERSE READING : Bad dreams, difficult situations, stress and tension is over.

For detailed and accurate Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108  and 022 26798631 (Mumbai, India)




This is known as a VICTIM  card.  It is a card of Struggle. You are blaming yourself for everything that is going wrong in your life. It stands for someone who is very weak and who is fearful of moving ahead in life. You project your fears and inhibitions into your surroundings, then you view them as obstacles. The limitations that you perceive are projections of your own inner apprehension and anxiety. It is upto you to want to have a positive attitude towards life and whatever it has to offer.

IN A READING :  You feel that you are in a mental prison unable to find your way out of a situation. You are eaten up with dread and insecurity. It is your favour of the unknown that holds you back. You have convinced yourself that there are no options in life. Remove your blinders and expand your ideas of what is possible.

WORK :  Your feeling of frustration is getting bigger and bigger and you feel blocked at every turn Even when you say that you want to leave an oppressive job or profession, it appears that you would rather endure restriction than deal with your need to make a change. You view your familiar difficulties and problems as a shield against unknown possibilities of the world at large.

ROMANCE :  Although you feel restricted you are afraid to break your bonds and cut yourself loose. Perhaps you are alone or involved in an unproductive relationship. You refuse to see that you are holding yourself back.

FINANCE : You are stuck in a negative cycle of events. You need more money but you have convinced yourself that your bad luck is never going to end. Take a hard look at your options in order to conquer your fear.

HEALTH :  Mental distress and a sense of hopelessness nag at you.  Psychologically you may be using illness as an escape from your frustrations and inability to free yourself from situations. 

IN A REVERSE READING : It is upto you to find a way out.  Stop blaming yourself for anything and everything that is going wrong with you. Your attitude needs changing.

For a detailed Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108 /  022 26798631 (Mumbai, India).
Email:  divineways9@gmail,com




It stands for hasty, deceitful or impulsive behaviour. Do not take what does not belong to you. You are trying to get away at someone else's expense. You have betrayed confidence. You have done something dishonorable and are now trying to escape. 
It also means that someone is stealing from you  -  either money or credit or an emotional thief. Someone is taking credit for your work.

IN A READING :  Take measures to protect your possessions, someone may be trying to rip you off.  There is a plan to trick or surprise you through schemes and impulsive actions. Be prudent and evasive. To reach your objective, rely on your intellect and diplomacy. Nothing is accomplished through aggression.

WORK : You may not want to believe the truth, especially if you have been duped. Avoid office politics and rely upon your own shrewdness to uncover deception and duplicity. Ultimately you will get wht you are entitled to but you have to go through the back door to do it.

ROMANCE :  Your lack of trust keeps someone at a distance.  You sidestep honest discussion in favour of small talk then wonder why the relationship keeps stalling.  If you keep beating around the bush no agreement is possible.

FINANCE :  Check out anyone who tries to involve you in a get-rich-quick-scheme. Financial conditions may be unstable but you may stumble upon an opportunity or come out much wiser. Do not compromise your integrity.

HEALTH :  Be wary of medical practitioners who numerous tests or unecessary tests and treatments. Get a second opinion before undergoing any surgical procedures.

IN A REVERSE READING :  Something that was stolen from you will be returned.

For a detailed Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108 / 022 26798631 (Mumbai, India).
Email :  divineways9@gmailcom




It shows a journey.  Even though there are lots of obstacles in the journey but you will manage to reach your goal. It is a metaphorical gateway through which you journey away from your problems.

IN A READING :  Travel is indicated. You may make a journey possibly by ship or an overseas visitor comes to see you. Although all your troubles have not ended , you are aware of a lessening of strain and tension.  The future may be unknown but you  move towards it with hope in your heart.

WORK :  You are leaving a well-known area for something new and different Apprehension is there as it is a new change. You do not probably have the time to test your options. Be prepared to distance yourself from the past. During this transition period help comes from unexpected sources.

ROMANCE :  You are longing for a different experience, new places, fresh faces and chance to get away from it all.

FINANCE: At present your financial condition is not good  and you will come out of it much wiser. There may be some delays and setbacks but ultimately you will get that loan you need.

HEALTH :  You travel to a distant clinic for evaluation of a heath problem. Your physical problems are slowly and steadily  getting resolved.  It does not happen overnight. Put your trust in the person treating you.

IN A REVERSE READING :  There is no escape. Facing a lot of obstacles or delay in journey. Goal is not seen. Struggling against the journey of life. A journey that you have planned will be postponed.

For a detailed Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108/ 022 26798631 (Mumbai, India)

Wednesday, 15 January 2014



There is a person bullying you.  You are a coward and allowing someone to take advantage of you.

IN A READING :  Sabotage or treachery may have a bearing on something that you are involved in.  In spite of everything at the end of it you will be able to confront issues head-on and solve your problems.  

WORK :  You are in for a struggle and you will get little or no help from others.  It also signifies termination of employment followed by a court battle. Before you attack business associates think of the consequences. Consider neutral arbitration by a third party as a alternative to an all-out war.

ROMANCE :  Domination of one person over the other can ruin any union. If you are taking advantage of your partner, you will soon find that yo have lost more than you have gained. If there is no compromise it is better to end the relationship.

FINANCE :  Your position is precarious. Things will not come easily and your well-laid plans will fail so proceed with caution.  You will feel extremely nervous and uncertain about the future.

HEALTH :  Do not turn your feelings of anger and hostility against yourself. Guard against self-destructive activities that ruin your health and undermine your sense of well-being. Channel your aggressive tendencies into competitive sports and martial arts.

IN A REVERSE READING :  You can deal with the person who is bullying you and  the negative event or emotion that is creating problems in your life.

For a detailed and accurate Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108 /  022 26798631 (Mumbai, India)
Email :




You are in deep depression. You do not want to listen to anyone. Always sitting in the dark. Negative thoughts entering your mind. The window in the card shows that there is a ray of hope. You need some form of healing. Prayer and meditation will open your mind and heart to spiritual insight.

IN A READING :  Your strength is exhausted and circumstances conspire to force you to slow down or temporarily drop out and rest. This break in your activities is long overdue, use it to revitalise yourself. Take a vacation, go on a retreat or just relax and get in touch with your inner self.

WORK :  Activities stall, projects stagnate, nothing is happening. You feel disappointed, tired and frustrated. You have reached a dead end and need to put some distance between yourself and your problems. Take time off to devote yourself to other projects. You will return to your original purpose renewed and brimming with fresh ideas.

ROMANCE : Whether you lack intimacy or feel deserted within an existing relationship, you perceive yourself as isolated and alone.  A romantic is just the answer to meeting someone new or reviving a dying affair. You might also decide to set your relatioship issues aside for a while and take some time out to pamper yourself at a health resort or spa.

FINANCE :  No news is not good news when progress is stalled and payments are long overdue. Step back and analyse your situation.  This period of inactivity will not last forever. 

HEALTH :  The need for physical or emotional healing is implicity in this card. If you have not recovered completely  from a previous illness more rest may be required. Professional assistance can help you gain a better perspective . Consider psychotherapy if you cannot work out your problems on your own.

IN A REVERSE READING :  The window comes first therefore you will slowly come out of your depression. But proceed with caution and summon your powers of discretion.

For a detailed and accurate Tarot Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108 /  022 26798631 (Mumbai, India)

Monday, 13 January 2014




It signifies heartbreak, loss, disappointment.  Bad news. Your suffering can be quite literal as in the pain of a heart attack. Your painful experience may also refer to the emotional aftermath of a broken relationship. Lovers will part.  It signifies division, conflict. It also tells us to stop manipulating our loved ones emotionally Also means a heart problem so get it checked.

IN A READING :  It may become necessary to remove the cause of your pain through cardiac surgery, divorce or separation. Letting go of what no longer serves your best interests is sometimes the only way to end your pain.  

WORK :  Whether you like it or not changes must be made.  Some projects may need to be revamped and others totally scrapped.

ROMANCE :  You have experienced enough pain and it is high time you face the facts and end the connection that has brought you so much anguish. The pain that you feel at parting is nothing compared to the ongoing unhappiness of a miserable relationship. If you are single do not be in a hurry to get into a relationship as this is not the right time. Evaluated the beliefs that have brought you unhappiness and work on changing them.

FINANCE :  Get rid of investments that have not clicked, do not continue with business that are not bringing in the moolah. It is time to give up on unproductive programs, properties etc. Move on to healthier and more rewarding financial markets.

HEALTH :  The three is connected to a heart problem and problem with the circulation. Bypass surgery is a distinct possibility.  If the cards - the Empress, ace of cups or page of cups are with the three of swords, a pregnancy may end in abortion or miscarriage.

IN A REVERSE READING :  You have the strength to come out of your problems and able to move on.  You are able to face criticism.  Your heart problem is healing. You are healing from health problems connected to the heart.

For accurate Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108 /  022 26798631 (Mumbai, India)
Email :

Saturday, 11 January 2014




This is a card of INDECISION.  You are not able to take a decision between two or more options. You are procrastinating  about your choice because there is something about the situation you refuse to see. Sooner or later you need to make the decision.

IN A READING :  Ignoring your problem is not going to solve the problem. The time has come for you to choose. By acting swiftly and decisively you can turn the situation to your advantage. Sometimes this choice has to be made by others for your benefit.

WORK :  You are caught in the middle of a negotiation that has reached a standstill. If necessary call in an unbiased third party to help settle the remaining differences. If you are waiting for an answer regarding an interview, results etc this card is telling you that the results are not in as yet.

ROMANCE :  You and your partner are involved in an uneasy truce  regarding a major life issue. If you cannot come up with a mutually satisfactory solution, then you need to take a break from each other.  Go out with friends or pursue your hobby.

FINANCE :  Your financial position is at a standstill and you must think of things to get the cash flowing again. Take stock then act.

HEALTH :  Your medical results will be delayed.  Blocked emotions are causing you to feel stressed and tense. Fear and uncertainty about the future add to the sensation of imbalance and insecurity.

IN A REVERSE READING :  You now feel the need to open your eyes and take decisions.  You have decided to finally act - to do something about your problems and your indecisions.

For a accurate Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on  +91 9820113108 /  022 26798631 (Mumbai, India)
Email :

Thursday, 9 January 2014


The Swords relates  to intellect, left brain thinking, strife and challenges, ideas that are about to appear in your life.

ACE  OF  SWORDS          

New beginning in mind related field.  You use all  your will power, intelligence to reach your goal.

IN A READING :  You begin to think and communicate differently.  New ideas and beliefs prompt you to invent something to find the answers to your questions or to resolve an old problem.You are able to seize the opportunity and take advantage of opportunities through your intellect..

WORK :  Innovative ideas sweep through your mind like a fresh breeze. Obsolete procedures and techniques are replaced by with state of the art techniques. You clear the deck for new projects.

ROMANCE :  Emotional extremes are indicated. You are ready to cut the ties that bind you if you feel your freedom threatened.

FINANCES :  Use your intellect to analyse your financial situation and then make necessary changes. Think of all the pros and cons before investing in any new financial schemes.

HEALTH :  You are finding new ways to release the pressure of pent-up emotions, stress and anxiety. Join a gym, hire a personal trainer or start taking healthy food. Whichever it is , working out out on a daily basis helps to bring your physical and mental energy into balance.

IN A REVERSE READING :  Things will happen but there will only be a slight delay.

For detailed Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +919820113108 / 022 26798631 (Mumbai, India)
Email :

Wednesday, 8 January 2014


The Knights represent people or situations.  The surrounding cards tell you which it is and which area of your life will be affected. If a knight is a situation, it suggests that some long standing condition in your life is changing and moving forward again. Travel is also indicated.

KNIGHTS  OF   WANDS  :  Always on the move. They are generally learners
                                               and seekers at any age.  Always achievers in            
                                               careers. Very focussed and fast. Keep going till
                                               they achieve want they want

IN A REVERSE READING : A very aggressive,violent person. They achieve goals
                                               but by using the wrong means.


KNIGHT OF  CUPS :  You are about to set out on  a new mission or receive          
                                       a new proposal. Your new partner may be a creative
                                      person. You may be entering into a new relationship.

IN A REVERSE READING  :  You are inclined to let your imagination run
                                                  away with you. You may be involved in drugs,
                                                  smoking in excess.  You get tired quickly.

KNIGHT OF SWORDS :  Does not wait for anyone. Super achiever. Totally              
                                           charged up. You are charging into a new
                                           situation. You are confident of your success.

IN A REVERSE READING :  A dangerous person who will destroy you.
                                                "I am right" attitude.  This person will destroy
                                                 you mentally. This person will upset your
                                                 plans and create havoc.

KNIGHTS OF PENTACLES  :   This person plans and plans. A total planner.          
                                                     Then takes very slow steps. It also signifies
                                                     endurance. A trustworthy person. But this person
                                                     lacks imagination

IN A REVERSE READING :   A procrastinator. He/She only plans. Does not start
                                                anything. Inertia, idleness, carelessness. Business and
                                                financial affairs at a standstill

For accurate Tarot Card Reading contact Phirroza Cama on +91 9820113108 /  022 26798631 (Mumbai, India)
Email :