You can empower any crystal with the essence of a particular card from the Major Arcanas. This energies the crystal with specific powers for a short term or permanent effect. The Tarot Card is infused into the crystal so that when you carry it or wear it, you are carrying the card's psychic energy.
Procedure :
1. Decide which card is most appropriate for your purpose and acknowledge that this purpose is for the benefit of all. For eg if you are seeking new romance, you will pick up the LOVERS card and the Rose Quartz crystal.
2. Place the crystal of your choice on the card and repeat the card's name three times( eg the Lovers, the Lovers, the Lovers) and ask for the card's essence to enter the crystal for your specific purpose.
3. For a more long term infusion -say you wanted to find a spiritual pathway that worked for you and wanted affirmation of that in the future - leave the card and the crystal overnight on your window ledge on the night of the full moon. It does not matter if the sky is cloudy.
Read the interpretations of each card which are given below to give you extra insight into the energy you want to reinforce into your life
The Fool New Journey, Free spirit, explorations
The Magician Focus, Intellect, Communication
The High Priestess Clairvoyance, Inner Guidance, Psychic Energy, Deeper Wisdom
The Empress Nurturing, New Life, Grounding, Creativity, Prosperity
The Emperor Authority, New Projects, Asserting yourself
The Hierophant Centering, Teaching, New ideas, Transmitting Ideas
The Lovers Love relationships, making choices, balancing energies
The Chariot Knowing where you are going, domestic happiness,
Strength Courage, Self-confidence, making a dream come true
The Hermit Spiritual enlightenment or direction, inner peace, patience
Wheel of Fortune Taking choices, being inspired, luck, change
Justice Clarity, Legal or financial affairs, agreements, making compromise
The Hanged Man Mystical empowerment, seeing the truth, giving up bad habits
Death New beginnings, transformation, dumping emotional baggage
Temperance Balanced relationships, freedom yet commitment, self-belief
The Devil Sexual Vitality, sexual attraction
The Tower Breaking down bad habits, purging your feelings, e
Procedure :
1. Decide which card is most appropriate for your purpose and acknowledge that this purpose is for the benefit of all. For eg if you are seeking new romance, you will pick up the LOVERS card and the Rose Quartz crystal.
2. Place the crystal of your choice on the card and repeat the card's name three times( eg the Lovers, the Lovers, the Lovers) and ask for the card's essence to enter the crystal for your specific purpose.
3. For a more long term infusion -say you wanted to find a spiritual pathway that worked for you and wanted affirmation of that in the future - leave the card and the crystal overnight on your window ledge on the night of the full moon. It does not matter if the sky is cloudy.
Read the interpretations of each card which are given below to give you extra insight into the energy you want to reinforce into your life
The Fool New Journey, Free spirit, explorations
The Magician Focus, Intellect, Communication
The High Priestess Clairvoyance, Inner Guidance, Psychic Energy, Deeper Wisdom
The Empress Nurturing, New Life, Grounding, Creativity, Prosperity
The Emperor Authority, New Projects, Asserting yourself
The Hierophant Centering, Teaching, New ideas, Transmitting Ideas
The Lovers Love relationships, making choices, balancing energies
The Chariot Knowing where you are going, domestic happiness,
Strength Courage, Self-confidence, making a dream come true
The Hermit Spiritual enlightenment or direction, inner peace, patience
Wheel of Fortune Taking choices, being inspired, luck, change
Justice Clarity, Legal or financial affairs, agreements, making compromise
The Hanged Man Mystical empowerment, seeing the truth, giving up bad habits
Death New beginnings, transformation, dumping emotional baggage
Temperance Balanced relationships, freedom yet commitment, self-belief
The Devil Sexual Vitality, sexual attraction
The Tower Breaking down bad habits, purging your feelings, e
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